Aaron is Still…….

Time slips so quickly away from me.  I feel the frustration of having more to do than I have hours in the day.  Blogging regularly is one of the things that continually gets pushed onto the back burner of my life.

Speaking of back burners, our kitchen is nearly finished.  We’ve been fully using it for several weeks now.  I love it!   Our second new refrigerator was delivered a week ago.  Our first new fridge didn’t work for even one second and it was an ordeal getting the company to approve and deliver a new one.  Just another first world problem.  Our refrigerator in the garage filled the need.  All our furniture is in the family room and other rooms.  We slowly are settling in and are very thankful for Luke’s diligence during a difficult process due to supply issues and being short staffed.  We have no complaints.  I will show pictures when the kitchen is totally done.  Did I say we LOVE it?!

So many times, as we live life with Aaron, I find myself saying, “Oh, I want to share this!”  Yet this life with Aaron is one reason that I DON’T get to share all that I want.  He does keep me very busy.  So, let me just give a quick update and maybe more expounding will come later…but don’t hold your breath too long.

Aaron is still an adventure sitting across the table when we eat out.

Epic straw wrapper blowing, Aaron!

Or when we go shopping.

He is still trying to get Moe, our neighbor’s cat, out from under Gary’s truck.

He is still talking to our neighbors EVERY chance he gets…and we are still so thankful for very patient and understanding neighbors who are true friends.  Gina sent me this picture and said, “I took this the other night when he was telling us all about life!”  Derek has the same look on his face that we often do!  😊  😊

He is still popping over to Amanda and Colby’s house, where she put him to work one recent night making Kool-Aid.

He is still melting our hearts with his sweet relationship with Mollie.

He is still sharing things with everybody, like making sure we took this new pack of gum to Andrew a couple weeks ago when we spent time with him at a race. 

He shares this life of his with me and Gary every single day. 

What Aaron shares is funny and fascinating and sometimes very frustrating. 

Gary and I often laugh and always listen to his abundant talking.

But the frustrating parts of Aaron…well, we still know that we need to handle that with the same grace that God extends to us…every single day.

Easier said than done…and the subject of another blog…maybe…when life settles down.

Did I say don’t hold your breath?  😊 

Author: Patty hesaidwhatks

I'm Patty and I write about our adult son who has Epilepsy and Autism, who still lives with my husband and me, and who is a package full of many surprises and joys and challenges and TALK! Lots of talking, which creates laughter and some other reactions as well. I also write about how God shows Himself to me in everyday life.

25 thoughts on “Aaron is Still…….”

  1. Enjoy your new kitchen Patty! As I looked at the pictures and read your captions, I found myself tearing up at the number of very special people the Lord has woven into Aaron’s life. Their love for him is so clear.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Aaron brings out the best in people–their kindness, compassion, and patience. (Most of us need to be stretched in those capacities!) In turn, they provide an example for others who might be observing. I pray God’s blessing on each one who loves on Aaron (especially you and Gary)!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I can’t wait to see your new kitchen Patty. I am saving for my new kitchen in a few years (I hate loans). You are so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors and a son that has such a kind heart. But I have to say, I LOVED the picture of the straw wrapper and that look on your face. You are a woman with so much patience and always finds the good in every situation.💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Diane. Aaron is many things and sometimes my patience is stressed thin. But oh, he is so touching and funny and I love to share him with others. And I know what you mean about your kitchen. We did the same as far as saving and it’s an investment well worth the time and effort. Have a blessed Sunday.


  4. I’m so happy your kitchen is almost done! And love how you can appreciate all the gifts Aaron brings, while also acknowledging the stress of caring for a special needs son. Honesty about your feelings and humor help so much, I think. And so does faith….lean on that when you need to!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh I’m excited to see your remodel, I love that kind of stuff!!…maybe because I’m reminded of scripture, “the old is gone, the new has come.”

    Beautiful photos, I love how many lives Aaron has touched and here on the blog too!!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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