My Occupied Heart

On a shelf in our family room is this picture taken in 1983 at Gary’s Flight School Graduation Banquet.  We were at Fort Rucker, Alabama, where Gary completed the Army’s helicopter training.  

Because of my dress, Aaron thinks this picture is from our wedding day.  He loves showing people this picture when they are at our house.

“This is my Mom and Dad getting married,” he begins.

“No, Aaron, this was not our wedding…” I try to interject.

“See?” Aaron interjects above my interjection.

“Mom was skinny,” he says too loudly.

The ensuing laughter only encourages him.

“She had long hair,” he continues.

My death stare matters nothing to him.

“And she was young,” he finishes with a flourish.

At this point Aaron is bent over, rubbing his hands together furiously…which indicates great excitement…and laughing as he relishes everyone’s reactions, especially mine.

It’s obvious that all these supposedly desirable traits are in the PAST tense, right?

You know, I have never let my age bother me much.  I am thankful to be healthy and able bodied.  I don’t have cataracts or glaucoma, and so far, I do have my original knees and hips…and most of my original teeth in one form or another.

But if I focus on what Aaron says about my former self, well, it can be downright depressing if I’m not careful.

Tomorrow I will celebrate another year of life.  And for some reason, this birthday has made me blink a few times.

Like…wait, what?!  I’m HOW old?

I’m not ashamed of my age, so I’ll just come out with it.

I am…ahem…about to turn 69 years old.  

You know what that means about next year.  


Gary and I got a late start at marriage, an even later start at having children, and a very late start to have a grandchild.  That last one was out of our hands.  Somehow, it’s all made me feel like I’m not as…ahem…old as I really and truly am.

Yeah, I cover some of it with hair color but then there are the moments when I stand up and feel my hip give a twinge it didn’t used to give…that original hip.

Times I back into a chair and realize that’s exactly how my Grandma did it.

There’s the periodic catch in my back that makes me realize why some people walk bent over the shopping cart handle.

Why do I seem to need a little power nap more days than not?

And I am not even going to discuss the wrinkled neck!!

I’ve been studying through the book of Ecclesiastes, and I had to laugh at the verse I read just two days ago.  At the end of chapter 5, Solomon talks about how God desires that mankind enjoy God’s gifts, whether the person is poor or wealthy.  It’s foolish to moan over being poor or to hoard your wealth. 

Then comes this jewel in verse 20:

“For he will not often consider the years of his life, because God keeps him occupied with the gladness of his heart.”

God gave me my birthday verse!!

There is NO reason for me to be consumed with the wear and tear of my body parts, to worry about my not-as-sharp mind, and all the rest of it.

I am instead to live with a heart that is occupied with the joy promised to me by the giver of real joy…God Himself!

“You have put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound.  In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety.”   (Psalm 4:7-8)

What will occupy my heart in year 69?  

The choice is mine.

The ability is God’s.

Author: Patty hesaidwhatks

I'm Patty and I write about our adult son who has Epilepsy and Autism, who still lives with my husband and me, and who is a package full of many surprises and joys and challenges and TALK! Lots of talking, which creates laughter and some other reactions as well. I also write about how God shows Himself to me in everyday life.

29 thoughts on “My Occupied Heart”

  1. Once again, your story makes me LOL! 🤣 Patty, you are a gifted story teller and I always look forward to reading every post! “Laughter is good medicine.” God bless you and your loved ones today and every day! 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Patty, you look vibrant to me in your pic with your grandson. Maybe it’s the joy you radiate while holding him. I love the “birthday” verse you shared and I’ll be including it in many birthday cards! Happy Birthday and God bless you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like Cindy said, I’m also so thankful God has put it on your heart and gifted you with writing!! I always enjoy reading your posts, Patty!
    Love that God provided peace through scripture to settle a somewhat anxious heart about your birthday age…our spiritual wisdom over the years is what keeps us young at heart, always so much learning and growing to be taken in which keeps us fresh as we tune into the Lord to guide and direct each day we’re gifted!
    Aaron cracks me up, I can just picture it as we see the same with Jeffery..prodding us along even though he knows what he’s up to and knows better!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LOVE that verse you shared from Ecclesiastes, Patty. Had to look it up and sure enough, it’s already underlined in my Bible. I’d forgotten it was there. You’re right–it makes a perfect birthday verse, especially for us seniors (or, in your case, almost-senior)! P.S. That picture of you and Gary is adorable! (Perhaps you could put it away when company comes so Aaron can’t use it to make his jokes!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Birthday, dear Patty! You are beautiful inside and out! Thank you for once again pointing your readers to God and His precious promises in His Word. May your year be filled with the joy and peace only He can provide! Hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. First of all, I think you look radiant! Secondly, this post made me giggle but also hit a tender point of struggle for me as I age in a world that says I shouldn’t. The verse you shared reframed the whole focus and truly ministered to me. I am going to write it down somewhere I can see and remember it, Thank you so much for sharing with humor, vulnerability and truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kara, I’m so thankful that the verse ministered to you. God’s Word is so amazing that way, touching us in those vulnerable areas that only God knows we need. This shallow culture values things that I am losing as I age but none of that matters to God, Who gives us that true joy and gladness in our hearts that lasts forever. Blessings!


  7. Happy birthday Patty. Thanks for another wonderful story. We are a few years ahead of you. Our grandkids are a bit older, but just like yours, they help to keep us smiling. God bless you and all your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. And you can pick up your grandson!! I would say you are making 69 look very, very good Patty! Happy belated Birthday! and may the Lord keep you completely occupied in the year to come with the “gladness of his heart.”

    Liked by 1 person

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